Global quantity of oil spilled from tankers
Dataset schema
JSON Schema
The following JSON object is a standardized description of your dataset's schema. More about JSON schema.
- "title":"global-quantity-of-oil-spilt-from-tankers",
- "type":"object",
- "oneOf":,[
- {
- "$ref":"#/definitions/global-quantity-of-oil-spilt-from-tankers"
] - "definitions":{
- "global-quantity-of-oil-spilt-from-tankers":,{
- "properties":{
- "records":{
- "type":"array",
- "items":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/global-quantity-of-oil-spilt-from-tankers_records"
} - "records":
} - "properties":
- "global-quantity-of-oil-spilt-from-tankers_records":{
- "properties":{
- "fields":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "year":,{
- "type":"string",
- "format":"date",
- "title":"Year",
- "description":""
} - "entity":,{
- "type":"string",
- "title":"Entity",
- "description":""
} - "quantity_of_oil_spilled":{
- "type":"number",
- "title":"Quantity of oil spilled",
- "description":""
} - "year":
} - "fields":
} - "properties":
} - "global-quantity-of-oil-spilt-from-tankers":
Similar datasets
- This dataset contains the annual average quantity of oil spilled from tankers globally, by decade. Data retrieved from Global Change Data Lab. Follow for timely data to advance energy economics research.
- This dataset contains information about world's oil production for 1965-2020. Data from BP. Follow for timely data to advance energy economics research.
- This dataset shows how global plastics emitted into the oceans breaks down by region. Data retrieved from Global Change Data Lab. Follow for timely data to advance energy economics research.
- This dataset contains information about world's oil production for 1965-2020. Data from BP. Follow for timely data to advance energy economics research.