Explore the National Accounts Use Table for 2010-2013 including data on direct purchases abroad by residents, manufacturing, final consumption expenditure, exports, and more. Discover valuable insights for Saudi Arabia.
Direct purchases abroad by residents, Manufacturing Other, Other taxes less subsidies on production, Manufacturing - Other, Fishing, FINAL USES, Final consumption expenditure by households, Final Consumption Expenditure, Final consumption expenditure by government, Manufacturing Petroleum refining, Health and social work, Exports of Services, Direct purchases in domestic markets by non-residents, Real estate, renting and business activities, TOTAL, Financial Intermediation, Financial intermediation, Electricity, gas and water supply, Public administration and defence; compulsory social security, Hotels and restaurants, Manufacturing - Petroleum Refining, Compensation of employees, Mining and quarrying Other, Mining and quarrying - Crude Petroleum Natural Gas, Private households with employed persons, OUTPUT AT BASIC PRICES, Gross fixed capital formation, Exports of non oil goods, Transport, storage and Communications, TOTAL USE AT PURCHASERS' PRICES, Exports of oil, Mining and quarrying - Other, GROSS CAPITAL FORMATION, Changes inventories, Total Intermediate Consumption/Final Use, Mining and quarrying Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas, Transport, storage and communications, Education, Agriculture, hunting and forestry, Gross Operating Surplus, EXPORTS, VALUE ADDED AT BASIC PRICES, Construction, Other community, social and personal service activities, Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and personal household goods, Products (CPC), input output table
Saudi Arabia
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This Data from 2010 - 2014 was Provided by the old Center departments of statistical and information (CDSI) which currently is The (General Authority for Statistics).
1. In 2016 - 2017 FISM was distributed among users
2. Changes in inventories include errors and omissions.
3. Gross operating surplus include Consumption of fixed capital.