Explore the labor market administrative records dataset with detailed information on various occupational categories and activities in Saudi Arabia.
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.- It is data and information registered and updated with government agencies related to the labor market and generated through the official electronic registration and documentation processes followed in these agencies, which include all residents of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, General Organization for Social Insurance, and the Center of national information periodically provide the General Authority for Statistics with the data registered with it (data of administrative records are assigned to the last day of the Gregorian quarter of each year).
Labor market statistics data
are based on two main sources: First Source: Labor Force Survey (General Authority for Statistics): - It is a sample household survey conducted by the General Authority for Statistics every quarter, in which information is collected on a housing sample from the Saudi Census 2022 and communication with households in the sample is conducted through computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) and through conducting computer-assisted personal interviews ( CAPI) , the data is collected from a sample of 96,000 Dwellings. - According to the international standards to which the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia adheres, and which are applied in the G-20 countries, Unemployment, employment and labor force participation rates are estimated through a sample household survey and not through administrative records data - Adhering to these standards facilitates the process of international comparisons between countries in labor market indicators. The second source (aggregate data from administrative records ): - It is data and information registered and updated with government agencies related to the labor market and generated through the official electronic registration and documentation processes followed in these agencies, which include all residents of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, General Organization for Social Insurance, and the Center of national information periodically provide the General Authority for Statistics with the data registered with it (data of administrative records are assigned to the last day of the Gregorian quarter of each year). |
The following table shows the type of data provided by each entity from the labor market statistics sources: | ||||||||||||
Data source | Data and indicators | |||||||||||
General Organization of Social Insurance (GOSI) | Participants on the job who are subject to social insurance laws and regulations | |||||||||||
New subscribers subject to social insurance laws and regulations | ||||||||||||
Suspended Participants | ||||||||||||
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD) | Employees on the job Subject to the rules and regulations of the Civil Service | |||||||||||
National Informatics Centre (NIC) | Domestic workers | |||||||||||
* Administrative records data has several implications for the labor market, but it is not used statistically to measure unemployment, employment or labor force participation rates | ||||||||||||
Concepts related to administrative records available at government agencies: | ||||||||||||
Workers (based on the administrative records): | ||||||||||||
All working individuals subjected to approved regulations and
laws from the regulatory entities of labor market and are registered in the
administrative records. On the other hand, workers can be classified in the
administrative records based on the regulations and laws they are subjected
to as follows: 1- Saudi workers subjected to the laws and regulations of the civil services and working at all governmental institutions and bodies, in other words, workers who hold jobs that are considered within the general budget of the country, also subjected to the civil retirement system (males or females) employees, as well as non-Saudis contractors who fill these positions in accordance the regulations of non-Saudis employment. 2- Participants on the job who are subject and regulations of social insurance as well as labor system, which includes Saudis and non-Saudis. 3- Domestic workers: non-Saudis workers from both genders who work in houses, including servants, cleaners, cooks, waiters, drivers, guards, nurses, and private teachers. |
Data of workers in Labor Market statistics which were derived from administrative records do not include the following category: | ||||||||||||
1- Workers of military and
security sectors 2- Workers who are not registered in the civil service and social insurance records, which include: - Saudis working for their own businesses and are not subjected to the labor regulations, also, not registered in social insurance, such as: those who work in delivery through electronic apps - Saudi employers who work in establishments and not registered in the social insurance - Non-Saudi staff working in foreign international, political or military missions 3- Non-Saudi employees who come to the Kingdom for work that normally takes less than three months to be completed. |
Classification evidence used in the Administrative registers Bulletin of Labor Market Statistics: | ||||||||||||
The National Classification of the Economic Activities: | ||||||||||||
It is a statistical classification based on ISIC4 which is the reference of the productive activities. | ||||||||||||
Saudi classification of professions: | ||||||||||||
It is a statistical classification which is based on ISCO that provides a system to classify and collect professions’ information where they can be obtained by statistical surveys, census and administrative registers. | ||||||||||||
Saudi classification for majors and educational levels: | ||||||||||||
It is a statistical classification that is based on ISCED which is the reference for organizing educational programs and related qualifications based on the education levels and fields. |
من خلال الاشتراك في مجموعة البيانات هذه، يمكنك تلقي إشعارات بالبريد الإلكتروني من ناشر مجموعة البيانات في حالة حدوث تغييرات هامة.
Semantic Metadata
مخطط مجموعة البيانات
لا يتوفر أي وصف لهذا الحقل.
الاسم (معرّف) | year |
نوع | تاريخ |
عينة |
لا يتوفر أي وصف لهذا الحقل.
الاسم (معرّف) | quarter |
نوع | نص |
عينة |
لا يتوفر أي وصف لهذا الحقل.
الاسم (معرّف) | indicator |
نوع | نص |
عينة |
لا يتوفر أي وصف لهذا الحقل.
الاسم (معرّف) | gender |
نوع | نص |
عينة |
لا يتوفر أي وصف لهذا الحقل.
الاسم (معرّف) | nationality |
نوع | نص |
عينة |
لا يتوفر أي وصف لهذا الحقل.
الاسم (معرّف) | adopted_regulation |
نوع | نص |
عينة |
لا يتوفر أي وصف لهذا الحقل.
الاسم (معرّف) | sector |
نوع | نص |
عينة |
لا يتوفر أي وصف لهذا الحقل.
الاسم (معرّف) | age_group |
نوع | نص |
عينة |
لا يتوفر أي وصف لهذا الحقل.
الاسم (معرّف) | administrative_region |
نوع | نص |
عينة |
لا يتوفر أي وصف لهذا الحقل.
الاسم (معرّف) | occupation |
نوع | نص |
عينة |
لا يتوفر أي وصف لهذا الحقل.
الاسم (معرّف) | economic_activity |
نوع | نص |
عينة |
لا يتوفر أي وصف لهذا الحقل.
الاسم (معرّف) | educational_level |
نوع | نص |
عينة |
لا يتوفر أي وصف لهذا الحقل.
الاسم (معرّف) | reason_for_discontinuation |
نوع | نص |
عينة |
لا يتوفر أي وصف لهذا الحقل.
الاسم (معرّف) | value |
نوع | int |
عينة |
لا يتوفر أي وصف لهذا الحقل.
الاسم (معرّف) | time_period |
نوع | نص |
عينة |
مخطط JSON
إن غرض JSON التالي هو وصف موحد لمخطط مجموعة البيانات الخاصة بك. المزيد حول مخطط JSON.
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- "type":"object",
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- "items":{
- "$ref":"#/definitions/labor-market-administrative-records-data_records"
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- "title":"Quarter",
- "description":""
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- "title":"Indicator",
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- "title":"Gender",
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- "title":"Nationality",
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- "title":"Adopted Regulation",
- "description":""
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- "type":"string",
- "title":"Sector",
- "description":""
} - "age_group":,{
- "type":"string",
- "title":"Age Group",
- "description":""
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- "type":"string",
- "title":"Administrative Region",
- "description":""
} - "occupation":,{
- "type":"string",
- "title":"Occupation",
- "description":""
} - "economic_activity":,{
- "type":"string",
- "title":"Economic Activity",
- "description":""
} - "educational_level":,{
- "type":"string",
- "title":"Educational level",
- "description":""
} - "reason_for_discontinuation":,{
- "type":"string",
- "title":"Reason for discontinuation",
- "description":""
} - "value":,{
- "type":"integer",
- "title":"Persons",
- "description":""
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- "title":"time_period",
- "description":""
} - "year":
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