Explore the latest data on Bahrain's oil and non-oil sector GDP at current and constant prices. Gain insights into key economic indicators such as Net Exports, Gross Domestic Saving, and GNI per capita. Access the dataset now!
Net Current Transfer From Abroad, Oil sector GDP, Oil sector % of GDP, Total Final Consumption : Government, Total Final Consumption : Government (Annual Growth), Constant prices, GNDI Per capita (BD), Total Final Consumption : Private (Annual Growth), Total Final Consumption, Net Primary Income and Current Transfer (as % of GDP), Government % of GDP, Non-oil sector % of GDP, Change in Stocks, Population, Gross Fixed Capital Formation : Government, GDP per capita (BD), Gross National Disposable Income (GNDI), Domestic Saving, Gross (% of GDP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), National Saving, Gross (% of GDP), Net Exports Goods & Services (% of GDP), Gross Fixed Capital Formation : Private, Current Prices, Total Final Consumption % of GDP, Domestic Saving, Gross, Non-oil sector GDP, Total Final Consumption (Annual Growth), Imports of Goods & Services, Oil sector (Annual Growth), National Saving, Gross, GNI per capita (BD), Non-oil sector (Annual Growth), Total Final Consumption : Private, Gross Fixed Capital Formation : Government (% of GDP), Gross Fixed Capital Formation : Private (% of GDP), Net Exports of Goods & Services, Gross National Income (GNI), Private % of GDP, Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Imports of Goods & Services (% of GDP), Gross Fixed Capital Formation (% of GDP), Exports of Goods & Services (% of GDP), Net Lending/Borrowing, BD Million, %, Exports of Goods & Services, Net Primary Income from Abroad, National Accounts, Oil Sector, Non-oil, final consumption, GFCF, exports, imports, Gross Domestic Saving, Gross National Saving, Per capita, GNI, GDI, lending, borrowing, Current prices, Constant prices, Bahrain National Accounts Annual Report
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