Explore the Saudi Arabia Population Health Indicators dataset , covering a range of key metrics such as school enrollment, healthcare coverage, population demographics, and more.
School enrollment, tertiary (% gross), UHC service coverage index, Rural population, AIDS estimated deaths, Domestic private health expenditure, Fertility rate, Age dependency ratio, Unemployment, Maternal leave benefits, GNI per capita, Lifetime risk of maternal death, Sex ratio at birth, Tuberculosis case detection rate, Population growth, Prevalence of tobacco use, Tuberculosis treatment success rate, Primary completion rate, Births attended by skilled health staff, Antiretroviral therapy coverage, Life expectancy at birth, cause of death, Malaria cases reported, etc.
Saudi Arabia
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Saudi Arabia population health related dataset from the world bank. There are over 1300 series in the dataset, we have selected those relevant to health category. Checkout other related dataset Population, Employment and Education in demographic category of our portal.